Dwi Pujiastuti(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author

Copyright (c) 2013 Dwi Pujiastuti



Telah dilakukan perhitungan radiative forcing gas Metana (CH4) menggunakan konsentrasi (CH4) dari tahun 2004 2009 di Kototabang dengan menggunakan metode Intergovernmental on Panel Climate Change (IPCC). Hasil perhitungan kemudian dikorelasikan dengan selisih temperatur yang merupakan data bulanan temperatur permukaan Kototabang dikurangi dengan temperatur rata-rata selama 6 tahun pengukuran. Temperatur permukaan diukur dengan menggunakan instrumen Automatic Weather station (AWS) yang ada di stasiun GAW Kototabang. Dari hasil analisi diperoleh nilai radiatve forcing mengalami peningkatan dari 0,24338 Wm-2pada tahun 2004 menjadi 0,246221 Wm-2 pada tahun 2009. Hal ini menunjukkan lebih banyak energi radiasi matahari yang diserap daripada yang diemisikan (Positive feedback). Tetapi hasil korelasi radiative forcing CH4 dengan selisih temperatur memiliki koefisien determinasi yang rendah yaitu 0,0047. Hal ini karena perubahan temperatur di Kototabang yang tercatat di AWS bukan hanya dipengaruhi oleh nilai konsentrasi metana saja tapi juga oleh aerosol, awan, dan gas rumah kaca lainnya. Hal juga ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi gas metana tidak signifikan mempengaruhi perubahan temperatur di Kototabang.

Kata kunci: Kototabang, metana, radiative forcing, temperatur


Radiative forcing of methane (CH4) gas has been calculated based on its concentration in Kototabang from 2004 to 2009, by using Intergovernmental on Panel Climate Change (IPCC) method. The calculation results were further correlated to the temperature differences, i.e., monthly surface temperature subtracted by the average temperature data at Kototabang during the six year of measurement. The surface temperature was measured by using Automatic Weather Station (AWS) installed at the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Kototabang. Based on the analysis, there was an increment of the radiative forcing from 0.24338Wm-2 in 2004 to 0.246221Wm-2 in 2009. This showed the solar energy was more absorbed than emitted (positive feedback). However, the result of correlation analysis between CH4 radiative forcing and the temperature difference shows a low determinant coefficient, i.e., 0.0047. This is due to the measured temperature change in Kototabang is not only affected by methane concentrations but also influenced by aerosol, clouds and other green house gases. This also shows that methane gas concentration did not significantly influence the temperature change in Kototabang.

Keywords: Kototabang, methane, radiative forcing, temperature

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