Isra' Suryati(1*), Hafizhul Khair(2)

(1) Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas Sumatera Utara
(2) Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas Sumatera Utara
(*) Corresponding Author

Copyright (c) 2016 Isra' Suryati, Hafizhul Khair


This study aims to map the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in Medan city and to estimate the potential reduction in carbon monoxide in some streets of Medan by applying mass transit based on simulation. This research was conducted by sampling CO in the 12 (twelve) points in Medan by grab sampling. CO concentration was analyzed using NDIR methods by CO Monitor tools. The results showed the concentration of CO in Medan between 1145.2 mg/m3 - 27484,7 mg/m3. This condition is still below the national ambient air quality standard of Government Regulation No. 41, 1999 (30,000 mg/m3). Based on the concentration isophlet map that points that have the highest concentration located in the surrounding roadside such as at Jl. SM Raja. To reduction the CO concentration in the ambient air around the roadside is necessary to plan programs and policies related to transportation. If the scenarios or simulation with application of the concept of mass transportation such as BRT CNG and BRT Diesel in some streets of Medan then will be able to reduce CO emissions of about 25.02% to 29.44%.

Keywords: vehicle emissions, carbon monoxide, map isophlet, mass transit


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan konsentrasi gas karbon monoksida (CO) di Kota Medan dan melakukan estimasi potensi penurunan karbon monoksida di beberapa ruas jalan Kota Medan dengan menerapkan transportasi massal berbasis simulasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel CO di 12 (dua belas) titik di Kota Medan secara grab sampling. Konsentrasi CO dianalisis menggunakan metode NDIR dengan alat sampling yaitu CO Monitor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi CO di Kota Medan antara 1145,2 mg/m3 27484,7mg/m3. Kondisi ini masih dibawah baku mutu udara ambien nasional Peraturan Pemerintah No. 41 tahun 1999 (30.000 mg/m3). Berdasarkan peta isophlet konsentrasi tersebut bahwa titik-titik yang mempunyai konsentrasi tertinggi berlokasi di sekitar jalan salah satunya seperti di Jl. SM Raja. Untuk menurunkan konsentrasi CO di udara ambien di sekitar jalan perlu dilakukan perencanaan program dan kebijakan terkait transportasi. Apabila dilakukan skenario atau simulasi penerapan konsep transportasi massal berupa BRT CNG dan BRT Diesel di beberapa ruas jalan Kota Medan akan mampu mengurangi beban emisi CO sekitar 25,02% sampai dengan 29,44%.

Kata kunci : emisi kendaraan, karbon monoksida, peta isophlet, transportasi massal

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