Yenni Ruslinda(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author

Copyright (c) 2013 Yenni Ruslinda



Dalam perencanaan dan pengembangan sistem pengelolaan sampah suatu kota, diperlukan data timbulan dan komposisi sampah dari berbagai sumber sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan timbulan dan komposisi sampah industri Kota Padang berdasarkan SNI 19-3964-1994. Dari penelitian diperoleh rata-rata sampah industri Kota Padang sebesar 5,057 kg/orang/hari (0,164 kg/m2/hari) dalam satuan berat atau 6,569 liter/orang/hari (0,441 liter/m2/hari) dalam satuan volume. Berdasarkan kategori industri (jumlah karyawan), timbulan sampah industri besar 9,606 liter/orang/hari, timbulan sampah industri sedang 5,644 liter/orang/hari, dan timbulan sampah industri kecil 4,457 liter/orang/hari. Produksi sampah mengalami pengurangan pada akhir minggu yaitu hari Jumat sampai hari Minggu karena waktu kerja lebih singkat dari hari biasanya. Komposisi sampah industri Kota Padang didominasi oleh sampah organik (79,31%) yang terdiri atas sampah makanan (9,90%), kertas (20,06%), plastik (18,86%), tekstil (8,69%), karet (1,62%), sampah halaman (0,54%), kayu (14,18%), dan kulit (5,47%), sedangkan sampah anorganik (20,69%) terdiri dari kaca (0,28%), kaleng (1,36%), logam (0,12%), dan lain-lain (serbuk gergaji, busa) sebesar 18,93%. Kajian awal pengolahan yang diusulkan untuk sampah industri berdasarkan data timbulan dan komposisi adalah daur ulang untuk sampah kertas dan plastik, dan reuse untuk sampah lain-lain (campuran tanah dan serbuk gergaji).

Kata kunci: sampah industri, timbulan sampah, komposisi sampah


To plan and develop a solid waste management system, some data are needed such as generation and composition of solid waste from several sources. The aim of this research was to determine the generated solid wastes and their composition from industrial wastes based on SNI 19-3964-1994. The researchs results shows that average waste generation for industrial solid waste in Padang city was 5,057 kg/person/day (0,164 kg/m2/day) in weight unit, or 6,569 liter/person/day (0,441 liter/m2/day) in volume unit. Based on industry category (number of employees), the generation of solid waste from large scale industries, medium scale industries, and small scale industries were 9,606 liter/person/day, 5,644 liter/person/day, and 4,457 liter/person/day consecutively. Waste productions were decreased at the end of the week (Friday to Sunday) due to shorter working time. The composition of the industrial solid waste was dominated by organic waste (79,31%) which consists of food waste 9,90%, paper waste 20,06%, plastics waste 18,86%, textiles waste 8,69%, rubber waste 1,62%, yard waste 0,54%, wood waste 14,18%, and leather waste 5,47%, while the 20,69% inorganic waste consists of glass waste 0,28%, tin 1,36%, metal 0,12%, and others (mixture of soil, sawdust) 18.93%. Preliminary assessment for the proposed processing industrial waste based on data of solid waste generation and composition were recycling for paper and plastic wastes, and reuse for other wastes (mixture of soil and sawdust).

Keywords: industrial waste, waste generation, waste composition

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